My friend and strategic business partner, Ray Brehm, is doing another edition of his online event.
The five day event is once again called Book Profit School and starts soon.
He is also giving away a copy of his new book, Virtual Summits for Authors as a thank you for signing up.
For this edition, he has over 45 speakers.
My talks will be featured on day #3 and day #5.
Day #3 will be my talk about the 3 Pillars of Authority to grow your business.
On day #5, I have a new talk about the power of launching your own Virtual Summit and how you can build your list and your business at warp speed.
>>Click HERE to Grab Your FREE Ticket<<
You get 48 hours of free access after each interview is broadcast with the free ticket.
Additional speakers during the online event include Navid Moazzez, Troy Broussard, Dana Derricks, Gundi Gabrielle, Bryan Cohen and many others.
>>Click HERE to Grab Your FREE Ticket<<
This is what happened on the Get Published Podcast last week.
Episode 590, Midge Noble – Using a Publicity Package
Episode 591, Kimberley Bell – Selling Your Book at Boutique Events
Episode 592, Joe Dolce – Building Your Audience First
Episode 593, Jenn Foster – Pre-Sale Book Launch Strategy
Episode 594, Jo Calk – Getting Booked on Podcasts
Each episode is typically 10 minutes (or less) and is perfect for binge listening.
You can listen (and subscribe) to the Get Published Podcast HERE
p.s. Don’t forget that you can binge-listen to the Get Published Podcast on Amazon Music through the Amazon Echo Dot, Echo Plus, or Echo Show by saying “Alexa, play the Get Published Podcast”
Plus. Whenever you’re ready, here are 2 ways that we can help in your author journey.
1. Book Your Complimentary Strategy Session this Week!
Ready to finally talk with me about sharing your story?
>>Click HERE to book your complimentary strategy session today<<
2. Join the Get Published Facebook Community and connect with fellow aspiring and current authors
It is our new Facebook Community where aspiring and current authors learn about the writing and publishing process.
>>Click HERE to join Our Facebook Community<<